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How to: Using a tablet as a mobile hotspot

Using a smartphone to get a laptop online adds value to the package, but it’s not without a downside. Turning the phone into a mobile hotspot when out and about can drain the battery quickly. Those who have a tablet with integrated 4G LTE may find it a better option to tap into the web.
There are a number of tablets available with 4G, Android models and the iPad chief among them. Amazon’s latest tablet, the Kindle Fire HDX, is also available with 4G LTE. Buyers may opt for the 4G option to allow the tablet to get online practically anywhere. This is handy, and it also opens the door to use the tablet as a mobile hotspot.
Public wi-fi hotspots are a mixed bag, either there’s not one when you need to get online with your laptop or the connection is terrible if there is. Having a mobile hotspot deals with both issues, and quite nicely.
Using a tablet as a mobile hotspot is very useful on business trips. You don’t have to plan your day around the presence of hotspots as you can use the tablet to get online anywhere. Most tablets can last up to 20 hours while serving as a hotspot, which is always useful.

iPad Personal Hotspot

I regularly use the iPad Air or the Kindle Fire HDX as a mobile hotspot, and it couldn’t be easier. On the iPad go into Settings and find the Personal Hotspot section. Tap on it and turn it on. The first time you’ll need to set a password to keep the connection to yourself.
iPad hotspot
Once it’s configured, it functions just like any wi-fi connection. On the laptop you’ll look for the network name assigned to it (you can change this) which is displayed on the hotspot activation page in case you forget. On the laptop select this as the wi-fi network and enter the password. That’s all it takes, you are now online thanks to the iPad.

Kindle Fire HDX WI-fi Hotspot

Using the Kindle Fire HDX as a hotspot is as easy as it is on the iPad. Swipe down from the top of the Kindle screen and tap on Wireless. Tap on wi-fi hotspot and activate it on the next page that appears. Like the iPad, you have to configure the hotspot network the first time, including assigning a password.
Kindle Fire HDX hotspot
The Kindle Fire HDX assigns a goofy network name, so you may want to change this to something that you can identify as your hotspot. That’s it, you can now get the laptop online over wi-fi using the hotspot

Multiple devices and a tip

Using the tablet as a mobile hotspot will not only get your laptop online, it can share the connection with multiple devices. This is useful on trips with colleagues or the family. Some tablets will get as many as 10 devices online with the single connection. Each device, no matter what type, gets online over wi-fi just like a laptop.
MacBook Hotspot
This tip for making the mobile hotspot connect automatically should work with most laptops. In the wi-fi network selection you can usually set a network to have priority over others. On MacBooks this is accomplished by dragging the connection up to the preferred order in the list of available wi-fi networks. This forces the laptop to use your tablet’s hotspot even if other networks that have been used before are in the list of detected networks.

The mobile hotspot will only be selected over others if it’s turned on, so it’s safe to make it a preferred network. The result is the tablet’s mobile hotspot network will always be chosen if it’s turned on, assuming you wouldn’t have turned it on if you didn’t want to use it.
Using tablets as mobile hotspots has been a boon to my work. It also comes in handy on trips, freeing me from the worry of getting connected. It lets me thumb my nose at hotels that charge for connectivity. I just use the hotspot instead.
Some tablets can be used as a mobile hotspot over Bluetooth and USB connections to the laptop. These work fine but connecting over wi-fi is easier and the best method.
Buying a tablet with 4G LTE for occasional use as a mobile hotspot is probably not a good investment for most. Those planning on getting a tablet with 4G for other purposes will find using it as a hotspot will add value. Those who already own a tablet with 4G should not overlook the benefit of using it as a hotspot when needed.

Will Robots Kill Us All In The Future?

With all the advances in technology and artificial intelligence happening around us every moment of the day, what will life look like in the next 100 years? Just within the past year we’ve seen so many advances in autonomous cars, robotic employees, the possibility of a robot army – just where is it all going to stop? If robots can do everything so well – what’s the need for humans? Robots in theory might make better employees – after all, they don’t need breaks, time off – they don’t even need a paycheck. And they do exactly what you tell them to do without any kind of complaint. Sounds like a perfect employee to me! But what happens if, as robots begin to get smarter and start to slowly take over the world, they decide that they’d be doing humans a favor if they just wiped us all out? That’s the question Nell Watson, a futurist, CEO, and engineer is asking lately.
She points out in a talk at The Conference in Sweden that for as smart and human-like as machines may become, they will still lack human ethics and morals. Hmm. That might be a problem down the road, especially if they ever outnumber us.
Will Robots Kill Us All In The Future?

Her quote, courtesy of Gizmodo, which has got me thinking is this one:
When we start to see super-intelligent artificial intelligences, are they going to be friendly, or are they going to be unfriendly? [. . .] Having a kind intelligence is not quite enough, because to paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke, “any sufficiently benevolent action is indistinguishable from malevolence.” If you’re really, really, really kind, that might be seen as really evil. A truly kind intelligence might decide that the kindest and best thing for humanity is to end us.
That last sentence of hers has really got me thinking. In other words, robots with all of their artificial intelligence might just decide to all-out mercy kill the entire human race.

What do you think? Should we be worried? Let us know your thoughts regarding this story in the comments section below.

MSN Messenger Being Retired in October

Whatever name you know it by, Windows Live Messenger, or its former name, MSN Messenger, you should know it’sclosing up shop on October 31st of this year.
If you remember back about 15 years ago, it was MSN Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) that always seemed to be competing to be everyone’s favorite instant messaging service. While I never personally used MSN Messenger, the service did have some pretty neat features at the time, such as its ability to let users play Minesweeper together, the option to “nudge” your friends when you thought they were ignoring your IM, and who could forget the emoticons? 15 years ago, instant messaging was the thing to do. Now? Now I think text messaging has taken over that method of communicating with one another.
MSN Messenger Being Retired in October

MSN Messenger Being Retired in October

Last year, they tried to move users to Skype, but Windows Live Messenger kept going strong in China. But alas, all good things must come to an end it seems, as even Chinese users will have to move on to Skype after October 31st.
I don’t know about you, but it almost feels like a small part of my childhood is dying somewhere.
What do you think? Let us know your thoughts regarding this story in the comments section below.

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PCB chief backs struggling Misbah

The PCB chairman has reposed his trust in Misbah by keeping his captaincy intact till the 2015 World Cup due to the narrow time frame before the all-important event.

Pakistan’s beleaguered captain Misbahul Haq found a much-needed vote of confidence from Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chairman Shaharyar Khan during an hour-long meeting held at the Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore on Tuesday.
Shaharyar spoke with both Misbah and head coach Waqar Younis separately in a bid to dissect the poor results of the Sri Lanka tour.
The Misbah-led side lost the Test series 2-0 and the three-match ODI series 2-1.
A PCB official told The Express Tribune that the chairman had backed Misbah as captain all the way up to the 2015 World Cup as there was hardly any time left before the mega event.
At the end of the Sri Lanka series, many former Test captains including Mohammad Yousuf and Rashid Latif had asked for Misbah to be replaced with all-rounder Shahid Afridi as captain.
I’ll go back to the basics: Misbah
The under-pressure captain spoke at length to reporters after his meeting with the PCB chief.
“I feel it myself that my inability to contribute with the bat was one of the reasons for our poor performances in Sri Lanka,” said Misbah.
“If you talk about pressure on me, I don’t take pressure because that’s no solution to any problem. I try to remain positive all the time, no matter what is said.
“But when you play in a team as a senior batsman you are expected to contribute tellingly, which I didn’t do in Sri Lanka. I know it myself. I will go back to my basics and try to regain my form, as this is very important for the team.”
Misbah also said that Pakistan’s pool of players for the 2015 World Cup was more or less finalised. He said the squad would be picked from the pool of players given central contracts, with the odd exception.
Shaharyar, Waqar discuss areas of concern
Waqar, who was on his first assignment as head coach, also had an hour-long session with the PCB chairman.
Shaharyar heard the former captain and fast-bowling great’s views on the Sri Lankan tour and earmarked the areas that needed immediate attention leading up to the World Cup. He also took the head coach into confidence on his decision of retaining Misbah for the all-important tournament.
Meanwhile, the PCB is expected to name either opener Ahmed Shehzad or Shahid Afridi as captain for the one-off T20 match against Australia next month. The new captain will replace Mohammad Hafeez, who relinquished the post after Pakistan crashed out of the group stages of the World Twenty20 in April.
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